Katherine High School actively promotes a whole school learning culture where all students achieve both social and academic success. One way this is accomplished is by implementing school-wide
positive behaviour practices. Firstly, we are committed to creating an environment where students are supported to actively engage in learning, are provided with interesting ways to learn, and feel cared for
by all school staff. This will enable students to feel safe in, and belong to, the school community. Secondly, building positive relationships between staff and students allow us to recognise personal strengths and support students in developing a growth mindset that will lead them to success. Finally, we understand that behaviour is learned, and believe successful classroom management is acting to meet students’ needs rather than simply reacting when inappropriate behaviour or disengagement occurs. We recognise that developing social skills and positive learning behaviours is a process which everybody, including staff, move through at a different pace. Modelling, coaching, mentoring, peer observation and professional development are key markers of this process at Katherine High School. Teachers are supported to teach pro-social behaviour, reward students for following these expectations, use positive and preventative approaches to classroom management, and utilise appropriate supports for students’ misbehaviour and disengagement.
PBiS Vision
Schools with a whole school approach to positive behaviour and classroom management are more
likely to achieve:
Department of Education (2019) Student Wellbeing and Positive Behaviour Policy
Part of our PBiS is a rewards system in which students are rewarded with Compass Points for demonstrating the school values Respect, Inclusion, Effort and Resilience. KHS staff can award Compass Points at any time on students’ Chronicles.