Plans & Policies
We can be trusted to leave and return to class
We can be trusted to be kind to staff, students and visitors
We will not betray people’s trust
We can be trusted to be responsible for our actions
We can be trusted not to vandalise School buildings and equipment
We can be trusted not to abuse privileges
We can be trusted to use our ICT device properly
We can be trusted to work independently
We can be trusted to help others with their work
We can be trusted to complete set work
We can be trusted not to leave the School grounds at recess and lunch
We can be trusted to walk away when someone is making trouble
We can be trusted to keep our area clean
We can be trusted to be kind to our peers
We can be trusted not to hurt other people in the playground
We can be trusted to tell the truth when asked a question
We can be trusted to wait in line
We can be trusted to be welcoming to new students
We can be trusted to be responsible in the Front Office
We can be trusted not to steal food
We can be trusted to stand in line
We can be trusted to keep the Canteen area clean
We can be trusted to not go to the shops after School and come back to get the bus
We can be trusted not to jump out of the bus when it is moving
We can be trusted to behave properly on the bus
We can be trusted to not damage or break the seats
Students must bring a change of shirt for Physical Education/Outdoor Education in order to participate fully in practical classes. If a student persistently does not have a change of shirt, parents will be contacted due to health and hygiene concerns.
Negative or dangerous behaviour or incomplete work may result in students being excluded from class and may also be excluded from excursions.
Dress Standards
All students at Katherine High School are expected wear the School uniform which must be worn at all times except on specially nominated free dress days.
The Katherine High School Uniform consists of the following:
Middle Years
- Katherine High School shirt
- Black shorts (shorts must be an appropriate length)
- Closed in shoes (eg. trainers)
Senior Years
- Katherine High School shirt
- Black or denim shorts (shorts must be an appropriate length)
- Closed in shoes (e.g. trainers)
Bus Travel
- Students are entitled to use the School bus system free of charge.
- Students are only able to access buses for movement between home and school; School buses are not a public transport service.
- Students travelling to and from School on buses must obey the bus driver’s instruction at all times. Students who misbehave on the buses may be suspended from travelling on the bus at the bus company’s discretion.
Students’ vehicles
Licensed student drivers are permitted to drive their vehicles to and from school with parent/guardian permission.
Students are not permitted to use their vehicles during breaks (recess and lunch).
Passengers must have permission from parent/guardian prior to traveling in a licensed student vehicle.
Without exception, students should park cars in the car park beside the gymnasium. The School accepts no responsibility for any damage that may occur to student vehicles whilst parked on School grounds.
You are absent from school
Attendance at School is compulsory by law if you are under 17 years of age. If you are absent from School your parent/guardian must notify the school either by telephoning the Student Service Office or providing you with a written note that is to be handed into the Front Office. If a student has a number of unexplained absences parents/guardians will be contacted by the Home Liaison Officer, Coordinator or relevant Assistant Principal.
You arrive late to school
Students are required to be punctual and present at all lessons. If you arrive at School after Lesson 1 has begun, you need to sign the Late Book at the Student Service Office before going to class.
Once at School, students are expected to remain on the School grounds. Students are expected to attend lessons on time as late entry disrupts other students.
Students are at School and under direction of staff as soon as they arrive until they leave at 2:40 pm. While at School students are expected to follow the instructions of all School staff.
You need to leave school grounds
If you need to leave the School during the day, the Student Sign Out Book must be signed prior to leaving the school, and again on return, stating the times and destination. This book is kept at the Student Service Office. Permission to leave the School will not be given unless the Student Service Office has been notified by a note or telephone call from a parent/guardian.
NO PERMISSION WILL BE GIVEN FOR STUDENTS TO GO TO THE LOCAL SHOPS (The only exception to this is authorised Year 12 students).
You lose your timetable
Replacement timetables are provided at the Student Service Office or from Year Level Coordinators.
You are sick or require first aid
If you are sick or require first aid during class ask your teacher for a note and report to the Front Office. If it is necessary to go home your parents/guardian will be contacted by the office staff. If you are sick or injured during break time, report directly to the Front Office. Do not ring home yourself and ask your parents/guardian to collect you.
You need to take medication
The only medication you are to have with you at School is an Asthma puffer. Other medication must be taken to the Front Office with a note including written consent from your parent/guardian and will be administered by an appropriate staff member as required in the documentation. Should a student be diagnosed with a medical condition that requires regular or periodic medication, a Health Care Plan must be drafted that is written with input from all stakeholders.
You are unable to participate in PE classes
Your parent/guardian needs to write a signed note which is to be given to your teacher.
You are having difficulties with your school work
Tell someone!! Your class teacher or Year Level Coordinator will be able to assist you.
Attend the relevant After School Study Sessions. Students will be notified of the day and location of these sessions.
You are being bullied physically or verbally
Tell someone!! Your Parent/Guardian, Home Group teacher, class teacher, Year Level Coordinator or Assistant Principal.
You change your address or any contact details
Please advise the School of any change of address/phone details so that you file can be updated and your parents/carer can be contacted when necessary. There are change of detail forms available at the Student Service Office.
Someone needs to visit you at school
All visitors must sign in at the Front Office where they may be given permission by the Principal (or delegate) to contact students.
Your parent/guardian wants to get a message to you during school time
In an emergency situation, your parent/guardian may contact the School and ask for a message to be delivered to you. It is not appropriate for your parent/guardian to contact you directly during class time.
(Including Mobile Phone Policy)
All students enrolled in NT Government schools are required to enter into an agreement with the Northern Territory Government. Forms are available on enrolment and must be signed and returned to the School. Breach of this agreement by a student may lead to removal of access privileges.
At Katherine High School, ICT devices, including mobile phones, iPods and iPads are not permitted to be used during school. Please refer to the policy documents below.
The school accepts no responsibility for any damages or loss of ICT equipment that is brought to school.
Students’ work is assessed using a variety of methods. These vary from topic tests, homework exercises and research projects to investigations, surveys, physical proficiency tests, debates and play readings. In addition to the internal school assessment that is conducted by every class teacher, various courses have external assessment components.
At Stage 1 (Year 11), all subjects are assessed internally according to requirements contained in individual subject outlines and assessment plans.
At Stage 2 (Year 12), the SACE Board is in charge of all moderation of School Assessed Work. External assessment is double marked by selected SACE Board markers.
External moderation ensures standards are appropriate and consistent within schools and in common courses across schools throughout the Northern Territory and South Australia.
Moderation ensures that both course content and the quality of teaching are consistent.
Assessment and Reporting in the Middle Years
At Katherine High School, Teaching and Learning Assessment and Reporting for Years 7 to 9 is conducted using the Australian Curriculum. Each curriculum statement identifies achievement standards for students in classes from Transition to Year 9. Students are assessed on the basis of the achievement demonstrated or understanding shown against specific outcomes in achievement standards.
Reports are issued at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. The reports will have an assessment grade for each subject as well as a written comment.
Parents are encouraged to contact the school with feedback so we can develop the best possible way for you to understand student progress.
Middle Years Work Deadline Policy
In Years 7 to 9, any summative work set for students to complete must have achievement standards outlined, task details, marking key or rubric and a due date. Depending on the task and the unit, this date can be set solely by the teacher or can be negotiated with the students if they have other work due on the same date.
Once a student is aware of a due date, it is his/her responsibility to ensure the task is completed by that date.
Assessment and Reporting in the Senior Years
Each course offered at Katherine High School is assessed according to the year level and subject.
Reports are issued at the end of Term 2 and Term 4. The reports will have an assessment grade for each subject as well as a written comment.
In addition to these formal reports and interviews, parents are welcome to contact the School at any time to discuss their child’s progress.
Senior Years Work Deadline Policy
Any summative work, be it an assignment or in class test, which is set for students to complete, must also have a marking scheme and a due date. Depending on the task and the unit, this date can be set solely by the teacher or can be negotiated with the students if they have other work due on the same date.
Once a student is aware of a due date, it is his/her responsibility to ensure the task is completed by that date. If the work is not submitted by the due date, and the student does not have a legitimate reason for not meeting the deadline, they will receive a (0) for that piece of work (Years 10-12).
If a student negotiates an alternative deadline with the teacher, the student will be permitted to submit his/her work on or before the alternative deadline. This should be negotiated at least 24 hours ahead of the deadline. However, the student must present a legitimate reason for a teacher to consider negotiating an alternative deadline. Any piece of work that is submitted and does not meet the required deadline will still be marked but the mark will not be counted towards the end of semester grade. Parents/guardians will be informed of instances in which their son/daughter has failed to meet a work deadline.