Every person. Every opportunity.
Katherine High School provides every person with every opportunity to work and learn in a safe and welcoming educational environment where our staff and students are supported to meet the high expectations of our community... read more
Latest News
We had a great year in 2024, and look forwards to sharing the education journey with you in 2025. Happy New Year! #everypersoneveryopportunity #teamKHS #KatherineHighSchool
To all our KHS community, we hope that you are enjoying a safe and happy holiday season.#everypersoneveryopportunity #teamKHS #KatherineHighSchool
Our wonderful Admin Team will be taking a break from Thursday 19 December and returning on Monday 13 January 2025.Back to school sales are open from Monday 20 January. #everypersoneveryopportunity #teamKHS #KatherineHighSchool